Our company operates in the apparel industry since 29 years .

We started as a small craft business and we are now an industry that employs a workforce of more than 40 people whose expertise allows us to offer a higher quality product and run a full cycle with a time of 3 weeks from the receipt of raw materials.

In our production history, we developed products such as coats, jackets, shirts, dresses, skirts, and children ‘s clothing for companies such as Chicco, Benetton, Jil Sander, Monnalisa , Versace, Narciso Rodriguez , Vionnet , Hermes, Dolce & Gabbana.

Since 1993, encouraged by a strong market demand, we specialized in the manufacture of the trousers for women .

For nearly 10 years, at the request of our customers, we came to realize over pants, skirts and dresses productions .

We are experienced in many different tissues, from the traditional cotton, wool and silk, organza, jersey, nylon fabrics, lace, etc.

We work since more than 15 years with Prada S.p.A. and we have recently added to our customer base and Valentino and Agnona .

Our company has a production potential in terms of numbers is about 25,000 garments per season with an average content ranging from 80 to 120 minutes for each, even though we often carry out orders whose time content ranges from 180 to 240 minutes each garment, with at least 60 minutes of hand-finishing .

The above productivity is divided into three lines capable to realize individually all the products that our company offers and, if necessary, they can complement each other.

We also make minimum orders of samples or prototype .

Our staff is highly trained in hand-finishing also of high quality and manual applications of various kinds.

All phases of production are subject to a constant and thorough inspection to ensure high product quality and on-time delivery.